The Yale Review
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
All submissions to The Yale Review must be in English and previously unpublished in print or online (including on private websites/blogs). We are happy to consider simultaneous submissions but ask that we be notified if a piece is accepted for publication elsewhere. Please note we do not consider pitches through our genre-specific submission forms, only entire pieces. If you have a pitch you’d like us to review, please see our pitch guidelines here.
The Yale Review is an editorially independent organization that relies primarily on its own funds to operate. To defray the labor and web-hosting costs associated with Submittable, we charge $3 per submission. Submitters may claim the cost against a new subscription to the journal. Because financial hardship should not be an impediment to submission, we offer a limited number of fee-free submissions. If for any reason cost is an impediment, please email with the subject line "Fee Waiver."
For more information on our fee structure for both print and online pieces, see here. Print authors will receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears. Authors retain copyright of their work and will receive a contract upon acceptance.